
Eroxel on Trial – We tested it!

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is no longer an age issue. More and more young men are also suffering from these problems, which also diminish their confidence and self-esteem. While other sexual enhancers are often associated with side effects, this is not the case with Eroxel.

The reason for this is that only natural substances are used in the production of the capsules. Those plants has been considered a natural erectile stimulant for centuries and are characterized by their multiple effects on the male body.

Taking Eroxel capsules not only improves the performance in bed, but also stimulates the feeling of pleasure and the availability for sexual activities (libido). The dietary supplement is characterized by a very good tolerance.

The many causes of sexual erectile dysfunction

There are many problems that lead a man to lose a satisfactory erection. And even if the male in question is willing to put in the effort to regain his former virility, it is not always easy to stop this evil in the blink of an eye. The first of these causes is obviously age, since it is often from the forties onwards that men start to complain about what is more commonly known as the withdrawal syndrome.

But not only, since there are young men who can also suffer from it. The second cause is more physical and technical, since it is the blood flow in our body that is no longer consistent enough to fill the cavernous tissues of our penis, and thus make us have a normal hard-on. And the third of these causes, the most vicious and devious one too, is psychological since we all know that it is our brain that commands each action to each part of our body. It is therefore our brain neurons that would also impair the action of the blood supply to our penis, and thus prevent us from having a semblance of an erection.


The causes of erectile dysfunctions being thus put forward, there is a way to act. Yes, but we all agree that since no one can regain his former youth, we can only intervene on the blood circulation and on the mental state of the person concerned by erectile dysfunction. Here is the goal that the laboratory manufacturer Eroxel gave itself.

The physical cause was not considered by the laboratory to be the most difficult to eradicate, especially since it is not at all dangerous, since no one has ever died from not being able to get a hard-on. On the other hand, the psychological cause had to be treated with the greatest care, because it is the one that does the most damage to the heads of men who have become impotent. Indeed, these men are almost traumatized by not being able to use their sex at their convenience, they are also frustrated by not being able to honor their partner, and are ashamed of what happens to them.

This is especially true since they are deprived of the sexual pleasure of orgasm during ejaculation. This leads some of the most fragile to fall into a psychological depression… Which doesn’t help their problem at all, quite the contrary!

Eroxel – The product

Eroxel is a preparation containing herbal substances in its composition, which aim to increase the level of testosterone in the blood. Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in the life of every man.

There is nothing such as a treatment like Eroxel for the ones who want to give power and renewal to its sexual life. But also to take care of your body and mind, since the ingredients contained in this food supplement are filled with a multitude of vitamins and other natural energetic components from plants, roots and bark. This makes it a 100% organic nutrient.


Eroxel Tips

It is also important to remember that being of 100% natural composition, it has no declared side effects, nor any contraindication to its use.

Some Ingredients of Eroxel

The manufacturer uses only natural substances as the basis for the mode of action of these capsules. Here some of the ingredients he used:

L-arginine: The synthesis of nitric oxide is permanently influenced by this substance. Among other things, this supports the dilation of the blood vessels, a process that plays a decisive role in male erection.

Zinc: This active substance has a lasting effect on sexual potency and can stimulate it naturally. Zinc is therefore often taken to support prostate health.

Maca powder: This plant is considered the best natural virility stimulant and aphrodisiac. The powder extracted from it helps to stimulate and improve erectile power and possibility in the long term.

Ginseng extract: rich in ginsenosides, phytosterols and polyacetylenes, this plant not only increases sexual potency, but also improves libido. In addition, ginseng is said to have a relaxing effect, so users can relax and calm down more easily after taking the capsules.

Ginkgo Biloba: It is from Japan that this vegetable extract is drawn from the tree named Ginkgo Biloba. And it is since always that one uses it to look after the impotence of certain men, and to reboost thus their sexual libido but also their power of erection. Because the Ginkgo Biloba acts in power on the blood circulation, and thus helps to fill the penis of the influx of blood necessary to a firm and tended erection.

As many other ingredients such as Selenium, Ginger, Vitamins,…

Eroxel Eroxel

Check here to buy the original product: Eroxel Original.

Eroxel tested – We have verified its effectiveness

Impotence or erectile problems are always a sensitive subject for men. It was therefore difficult to find suitable subjects for our Eroxel test. Nevertheless, we were able to find two men who were willing to take the capsules for us for an extended period of time.

Carlos, 42, and Jose, 34, agreed to test the impotence drug for us. Both men are not entirely satisfied with their own sexual performance and Jose, in particular, suffers from time to time from erectile difficulties that make a normal sex life impossible.

Day 1: Eroxel in test also meant for us that we first had to explain to our volunteers how to take this preparation. Before any sexual activity, two capsules were to be taken in combination with a glass of water. In order for the substances contained in the capsules to take effect in time, they should be taken about one hour before the planned sexual activity.

The substances contained in the capsules primarily promote blood circulation and relaxation of the entire body, so that erections are formed more quickly and can therefore be maintained. Our two volunteers agreed to take the capsules as recommended and we were able to start our test.

Day 15: Two weeks later, we were able to record the first positive results. Both volunteers noticed a clear improvement in their erectile capacity. Jose, in particular, rarely had erectile problems anymore.

In addition, both subjects agreed that the duration of the erection had also significantly increased. None of the men reported any undesirable side symptoms and even taking the preparation was described as easy by our testers.

Day 30: After the first positive experiences, we were eager to know the final judgment of our volunteers about Eroxel. It was positive for both testers.

Carlos and Jose were able to significantly improve their erection and power by taking the capsules regularly. According to their own statements, both men had more pleasure in bed again and the feeling of pleasure of our volunteers had partially improved.

Eroxel convinced us on all the line. This natural drug against impotence is distinguished by an effectiveness that other competing products can only dream of. Used correctly, it allows men to treat power and erection problems in a natural way, without overloading the body with chemicals or other additives. The capsules are therefore well tolerated and the natural formula of the active ingredients even allows for long-term use. Erection and potency problems can therefore soon be a thing of the past if those concerned favor taking Eroxel.

Eroxel Buy


You can also try: Alfazone.

When can I expect an effect?

Especially in case of existing erection or potency problems, men want a fast acting product to improve their sexual performance. With all the positive reports about the capsules, however, we have to curb the expected euphoria a bit.

In our self-test, our volunteers could see an effect of Eroxel very quickly. However, for some users, the effect may be slightly delayed. Therefore, the manufacturer does not make any promising statements about the onset of the effect.

The reason for this is that the substances contained are absorbed more or less quickly by the body. Nevertheless, if taken regularly, the first improvements can usually be observed within the first few weeks of use.

Are there any official test results and studies on Eroxel?

This dietary supplement is a sexual enhancement preparation that has only been available on the German market for some time. Due to the fact that it is presented as a supplement, no test or study results are required for its release.

Therefore, during our research we did not find any indication that Eroxel has already been subject to clinical studies. However, this should not be considered as negative.

For whom are these gelules intended?

Of course, the manufacturer addresses its preparation primarily to men who suffer from erection or sexual power problems. The intake of Eroxel makes it possible to remedy these problems in a natural way, without overloading the body with additional chemicals.

Thanks to the mode of action of this preparation, the sexual performance of the man can also be improved, provided that there are no problems or disorders yet.

What are the prices for Eroxel and how to buy it?

The price of the preparation is in the middle range. Especially on the manufacturer's website, the prices are affordable and unbeatable! Thus, if you order one box (quantity necessary for one month of taking), you will have to pay 37 euros. On the other hand, if you order more, discounts will be applied.

So by going through the manufacturer's website, great savings are in prospect. In addition to the discounts, you can also benefit from additional bottles without paying anything.

What to know about libido nowadays?

Today, libido boosters are having a lot of fun as the number of people with insufficient libido has risen sharply over the past decade. There are many factors that contribute to a lack of sexual desire. These include both psychological and physical reasons. Poor sexual drive can be attributed to age and lack of stamina. However, psychological reasons are mainly due to our lifestyles and mental state.

At what ages can you experience sexual inabilities?

People of all ages can experience sexual inabilities. This is evident by the fact that around 70% of men will experience erectile dysfunction at one point or another in their lives. Insufficient libido can have a profound impact on a person's sexual life and extends to their personal and professional lives.

Even their closest friends may not know that they are suffering from this problem. This can have a devastating effect on their self-confidence, resulting in poor professional performance and relationships.

What do people with sexual inabilities do for fixing that problem?

This is not the end of the story. Half of those in this situation do not seek professional help to solve their problem. Some people accept their fate and live with it for the rest their lives. For others, sharing their problems with anyone is impossible.

Many people don't realize that they can extend their sexual life beyond what they think. There are simple and safe ways to solve their problem. People who try to solve their problem end up in worse situations than before. Side-effects and risk associated with the chosen option can cause this.

Is there a way to revive your sex life?

Herbal libido boosters have been proven safe and effective in increasing sexual drive. They are made from a combination of potent herbs as well as natural compounds. These can be used to treat both psychological and physical reasons for a low libido.

These herbal remedies have been used to increase libido since ancient times. They were used by people from all walks, including landlords, mighty kings, and middle- and lower-class people.

Why to use herbal supplements for sexual boost?

These herbal supplements were not well-known until recently. Many manufacturers now offer herbal libido boosters. The sexual enhancement industry has been revolutionized by powerful herbs. These products can be shipped directly to your home by websites that sell them, keeping your issues completely private.

A careful selection of herbal libido boosters with the right combination of ingredients will revitalize your sex life while protecting your health.

Can herbs treat you low libido?

Herbs have been used for centuries to treat and prevent illness, increase feelings, wellbeing, and increase libido. They will make you feel younger and better. These items have been around for thousands of years and you may not have guessed them.

What to eat to boost your libido?

Ginkgo has been proven to be a valuable geriatric drug due to its ability to increase blood circulation to the brain and throughout your body.

It improves metabolism, regulates neurotransmitters and increases oxygen levels in the brain. There are many benefits to enhanced circulation in the brain, including improved memory, faster reaction times and mental clarity.

What to know about men's sexual functionality?

There are many explanations why men knowledge a decline in sexual functionality. As age increases, the principal male intercourse hormone testosterone decreases. The loss of Testosterone causes reduction of muscle mass, bone power and libido.

Another chemical aspect contributing to a lacking libido is low Nitric Oxide ranges. Nitric Oxide is among the most important chemicals that assist with attaining an erection- or even enough of this chemical exists is the body, you merely cannot attain an erection.

Why do older men find it harder to turn aroused?

The older you feel you might find it harder to turn out to be aroused. Erections become less common, and ejaculations become much less satisfactory. Affordable estimates indicate that at the very least thirty-million guys start experiencing trouble achieving and sustaining an erection.

Difficulties such as for example these could be frustrating, defeating, and lead to anxiety before sex.

What to know about men sexual health?

By age fifty, most men are suffering from a substance called plaque that's within the circulatory system. it is a main contributor to erection dysfunction. While there are lots of drugs available that help with this particular problem, it is vital to also maintain a wholesome lifestyle.

Exercise and fitness can in fact increase testosterone ranges, and help build confidence. By reducing tension and getting enough sleep it is possible to help reduce your body's capability to succumb to erection dysfunction.

How to naturaly increase your libido?

Eating a diet abundant with zinc can help raise the body's natural energy degree. Other foods which are warming and produce comparable results within the body are usually garlic, onion, scallion, dark pepper, Large concentrations of Omega 3 essential fatty acids are located in deep sea and cool water fish, such as for example halibut.

Does stress affect your sex drive?

Stress is another notable factor that may affect sex drive. Whether it's work related or relationship difficulties, chances are to have an influence on a person's capability to have sex. If you are stressed or fatigued, power is diverted to more essential area's of your body, having a negative influence on your sex drive.

Why to stop having unhealthy habits?

If you're a heavy drinker, and a big smoker, or perhaps a recreational drug user, it may be an underlying cause in erectile incompetence, or insufficient sex drive. In case you are experiencing these complications, before you switch to taking prescription or higher the counter drugs, you might first desire to eliminate your bad behaviors that may be the reason for your sexual problems.

How to bring back passion in the bedroom?

You can make it easier than you think by learning the macrobiotic secrets to healthy libido. A macrobiotic diet can be a powerful tool to improve your health, cleanse your body, boost your energy, restore health, and increase libido.

A macrobiotic lifestyle is more than removing animal fats and dairy products from your diet. Your adrenal function includes your stress response, energy levels and sexual vitality.

Can ginger help increase your sex drive?

A ginger compress applied to the kidneys helps to break down stagnated fats and mucous. It increases circulation by naturally opening blood vessels and alkalinizing bodily fluids. This helps to restore balance and health.

A simple ginger compress can bring back passion to your sex lives. It strengthens the adrenal glands and the kidneys.


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  2. Lukaski, H.C. (2004). Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Nutrition, [online] 20(7-8), pp.632–644 | View at: Publisher Site
  3. Amairanon F. and Drader H. (2204) – Erectile dysfunction and testosterone: the role of maca and ginseng”, International Journal of Impotence Research, mai-juin 2009, ;21(3):149-57
  4. Viribay, A., Burgos, J., Fernández-Landa, J., Seco-Calvo, J. and Mielgo-Ayuso, J. (2020). Effects of Arginine Supplementation on Athletic Performance Based on Energy Metabolism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients | View at: Publisher Site
  5. Kelishadi, R., Hashemipour, M., Adeli, K., Tavakoli, N., Movahedian-Attar, A., Shapouri, J., Poursafa, P. & Rouzbahani, A. (2010). Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Markers of Insulin Resistance, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation among Prepubescent Children with Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, [online] 8(6), pp.505–510. | View at: Publisher Site



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Based on 11 ratings

Reviewed by 11 users

    my salvation!

    EROXEL is my salvation! With it, I was able to solve the problem I was afraid to go to the doctor for: Impotence. Just a few days after starting to use it, I noticed improvements for the better. I can’t praise this tool highly because it is really effective.

    • 29. January 2024 12:00

    Thank you for such a great supplement

    I decided to take myself in hand, especially to impress my wife because I see that she needs it. So I started this treatment two weeks ago and I already find her much happier! Thank you!

    • 2. August 2023 17:55

    libido booster

    My wife started complaining that she no longer enjoyed anything in bed, so I acted immediately and ordered this libido booster. Since I’ve been using it, she no longer complains…!

    • 26. July 2023 19:07

    no chemicals or additives

    I was getting depressed. I couldn’t find anything that suited me and made me perform better. I tried different products, but to no avail. And sometimes I couldn’t digest them and my stomach hurt. But with this one it’s totally different! This is no doubt because this supplement is all natural, with no chemicals or additives. This is rare and yet so important!
    Plus, I have researched the plants in it and they are excellent.

    • 25. July 2023 22:13

    Very, very good for libido

    Very, very good for my libido. Just what I needed and just in time because I was starting to get out of shape. It happens without you even realizing it, so I advise all men to pay attention to this…. Otherwise, breakdowns happen and you might react too late. And with just two capsules of Eroxel a day, your virility will magically return! Don’t let the opportunity pass you by. My wife is all for it, of course, now she is proud of her man 😉

    • 25. July 2023 0:26

    super sexual stimulant

    If you need a super sexual stimulant, I recommend Eroxel. Based on known herbs (Maca, Ginseng, Ginko,..) and other vitamins or natural substances (L-Arginine,..), it has a tremendous effect on my sexuality. No more fainting, better sperm, more stamina, in short a real sex bomb. I am also a vegetarian, so this product suits me very well. No side effects
    when I take the capsules which are very easy to swallow. I get my blood tested regularly and my testosterone level is fine, which has not always been the case.

    • 24. July 2023 17:04

    The best product

    Men, look no further! We have here the best product to improve our sexual activity and make our women the happiest! I have already tried it and I will continue to take it as long as I can!

    • 22. May 2023 20:55

    Eroxel, extremely powerful

    I admit that I feel much more virile, that is to say more manly! My libido is increasing, which is good at my age because when you get to forty it’s not like it used to be …

    • 29. March 2023 14:29

    Great product

    I’m not getting any younger, but more importantly, I have a lifestyle that is not always healthy. When I started losing my libido, I wanted to shake things up. I looked for something that could help me and I came across Eroxel with all these little plants.

    Naturally, I thought I’d give it a try without fear. It’s not bad at all. I started the cure a month ago and I can assure you that I have regained my libido! Proud of myself. Thanks to Ginseng, L-Arginine, but especially Maca, which allowed me to find a harmonious sex life. I recommend these small capsules, very easy to take.

    • 28. March 2023 11:35

    wonderful product!

    I really like the natural ingredients because they do not cause me side effects. The results are quickly noticeable, really a wonderful product!

    • 27. March 2023 13:56

    does its job

    I was feeling very stressed and with high blood pressure. After ten days of taking Erogen X my blood pressure came back down to my normal levels and I got a happy extra benefit of congestion in my man part. I get huge. It’s funny but it does its job.

    • 15. February 2023 15:48

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