
巨像 > 效果试验


Deluron 凝胶的配方旨在让男人梦想成真。虽然不是所有的梦想,但至少对某些男性来说,勃起坚挺的梦想应该可以实现。这种凝胶含有特殊成分,据说对勃起有持久的效果。

Colossus – The product

Colossus is an enhancement product designed to improve sexual performance in a variety of ways. Its natural ingredients increase libido and stimulate sperm count.


The preparation also improves the elasticity of the tissue in the penis area, which in turn optimises blood circulation. The gel is also claimed to significantly increase penis size after use in men.

Effects of Colossus

据说这种凝胶的有效成分能刺激阴茎勃起组织的血流量,增强使用者的勃起功能。此外,得益于 Deluron 效应,它还能对尺寸产生积极影响。为了获得持久的积极效果,有必要持续、定期使用该制剂。


Why to use Colossus Gel?

男性勃起本身就是一个秘密。男性和女性对自己的勃起不满意的情况并不少见。正是在这种情况下,Deluron 凝胶开始发挥作用。这款创新凝胶采用特殊配方,含有促进血液循环的活性成分,旨在改善男性的勃起功能。

用户不仅可以持续更长的时间,而且性刺激的感觉也会明显改善。换句话说,使用者应该在第一次性刺激时就能勃起。但这还不是全部。用户还证实,定期使用凝胶能带来更持久、更强烈的性高潮。作为锦上添花的效果,据说 Deluron 还能积极促进阴茎生长。


Deluron Gel 是一种特殊产品,适用于有勃起和性能力问题的男性。


Correct use of Colossus

The gel is very easy to use and also fits into everyday life. Generally, the product should be used 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Before applying the product, the penis should be carefully washed and dried with a towel. The preparation is then applied to the skin and gently massaged in.

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It is also important to continue using the product for at least 30 days to achieve a lasting and sustainable change.


✅ 易于使用❌ 可能很快售罄
✅ 快速交货❌ 仅在线提供
✅ 无副作用❌ 市场上的假冒产品
✅ 非常物有所值
✅ 客户好评
✅ 快速可靠的结果


Our 4-week self-test with Colossus

根据老用户的推荐,我们认为我们找到了一款真正有效的产品。不过,我们还是想亲自试用一下 Deluron 凝胶的效果,于是我们邀请了两位读者为我们试用了四周。


第一周 第一周后,两位受试者来到编辑部,向我们讲述了他们首次使用的感受。两位男士都觉得凝胶使用起来轻松愉快。阿里在最初几天后还发现自己的性欲有所增强。

第二周 第二周后,Patrick 报告了 Deluron 对他自己产生的第一个效果。他每次都是在性交前 30 分钟使用,结果对他产生了效果。他报告说有轻微的刺痛感,与之前相比,他的性能力明显增强。爱迪生现在与妻子的性生活也更加频繁了。

第三周 第三周结束时,两人对使用德鲁隆凝胶的体验都给予了肯定。帕特里克的勃起更加坚挺,性生活也更加活跃。另一方面,Edison 甚至发现自己最棒的那话儿的尺寸略有增大。

第 4 周 在为期四周的测试结束后,帕特里克和爱迪生对产品的使用和效果表现出了极大的热情。



“As a urology physician with over 20 years of experience, I am pleased to share my professional opinion on Colossus Gel. During my career, I have had the opportunity to evaluate numerous products related to male sexual health, and I can say with confidence that Colossus is an effective and safe choice.

事实证明,Deluron 是增强性能力的可靠产品。其优质成分和精心配制的配方支持其在提高性能力和改善勃起方面的功效。但需要注意的是,效果可能因人而异。

必须指出的是,Deluron 符合欧盟规定的质量标准和法规。这让用户更加放心,因为它保证了产品的安全性和有效性。这也是另一种非常可靠的产品: Gelarex.


Herna Beteta 博士,泌尿科医生。


Deluron 是一种用于增强勃起和性能力的产品。该凝胶还能加强性爱抚,极大地刺激性欲。此外,使用该凝胶还能改善性活动,增加睾丸激素分泌,提高精子质量,增强射精能力。其目的是增强欲望,全面改善爱情生活。









Are there possible risks and side effects from using Colossus?

在我们的研究和自我测试中,我们都没有发现 Deluron Gel 可能存在副作用的迹象。不过,在此我们要再次提醒您,如果您对所列的任何活性成分过敏或过度敏感,则应避免使用该产品。

Who should refrain from using Colossus?

In principle, Colossus Gel should not be used if you are allergic or hypersensitive to one or more of its ingredients. Nor should it be used on open wounds on the penis.


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EffectEro:2024 年分析


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由 12 用户评论

    really grateful

    After reaching the age of 50, I began to experience difficulties in my sex life. I was frustrated and worried about my performance. That’s when I discovered Colossus. I decided to try it, and I must say it has been a positive change in my life. Colossus has improved my erectile function, and now I can maintain firmer and longer lasting erections. I have also noticed an increase in my libido and a greater satisfaction in sex. I am really grateful for this product.

    • 16. May 2024 18:45

    Highly recommended!

    My husband and I tried COLOSSUS together, and the results are amazing! Our quality of life has improved significantly. Highly recommended!

    • 10. May 2024 18:06


    There are not many products like COLOSSUS. They play an important role in libido, virility… And all without additives, completely natural! That’s great! I always pay attention to these details because they are important to me. In any case, COLOSSUS has an incredible effect on my sexuality. I’m rediscovering and reviving it. It’s a very strange feeling I never thought I’d experience again.

    • 3. May 2024 19:08

    significantly improved in sexual experience

    After years of having an unsatisfactory sex life, I met Colossus and decided to try it. And what a change! This cream has significantly improved my sexual experience. My wife has noticed the difference in my reactions and the quality of our intimate relationships. Erections are firmer and my sensitivity has increased considerably, which has led to increased pleasure and more intense orgasms. I am very happy with the results and will definitely continue to use it.

    • 30. April 2024 15:30

    more pleasant sexual

    Since I started using Colossus, I have noticed a noticeable improvement in my erections. They are firmer, more durable and have given me greater confidence in the bedroom. My ability to maintain a satisfactory erection for longer has improved significantly, which has led to more pleasant sexual encounters for both me and my partner.

    • 29. April 2024 21:42


    After having experienced sexual potency problems, I decided to try this product and I don’t regret it at all! Since I started using Colossus, I have noticed a significant improvement in my erections. They are firmer and more durable, which has led to greater pleasure for both me and my partner. In addition, sensitivity in the genital area has increased, which has made sex much more intense. I am really satisfied with the results and would recommend Colossus to any man who is looking to improve his sex life.

    • 24. April 2024 21:32

    One of the things I like most about COLOSSUS is its soft and non-sticky texture. It absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving any fatty residue, which is important to me. In addition, COLOSSUS does not have a strong or unpleasant odor.

    • 22. April 2024 12:04


    COLOSSUS is my salvation! With it, I was able to solve the problem… Just a few days after starting to use it, I noticed improvements for the better. It is really effective.

    • 18. April 2024 15:16

    delighted with the results

    As a taxi driver, I spend many hours at the wheel and, at my age, I noticed that my sexual energy had decreased. My intimate life was suffering, and that worried me. After using COLOSSUS for a few weeks, I noticed a big difference. My erections are firmer and longer lasting, and my sex drive has returned to levels I haven’t felt in years. My wife is also delighted with the results.

    • 8. April 2024 17:54

    remarkable change

    With a hectic professional life, I often felt exhausted and without energy to fully enjoy my sex life. However, since I started using COLOSSUS, I have experienced a remarkable change. My stamina has increased significantly, which has led to more satisfying and enjoyable sexual encounters with my partner. I am impressed with the results and will definitely continue to use COLOSSUS to keep my sex life at its best.

    • 17. February 2024 15:50

    more satisfying intimate life

    I am very happy with the results of COLOSSUS. It has improved my sex life in a way that I did not think possible. I would recommend it to any man who is looking to improve his sexual potency and enjoy a more satisfying intimate life.

    • 16. February 2024 15:27


    Wow! COLOSSUS is super powerful!! It works super well! I can no longer complain about my performance in bed! Try it as it is, a total change.

    • 3. January 2024 21:10


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